+49 7152 6132 808
Mollenbachstr. 53/2
71229 Leonberg
+49 77152 6132 809
Content responsibility:
Owner: Jens Graw
Sales tax identification number according to § 27a Value Added Tax Act:
DE 212 615 841
Contents, design and structure of the website www.messegraw.de are protected by copyright. All information, texts and photos provided on the website are only intended for individual use. The information or data contained therein, particularly texts, excerpts of texts or photos, may not be replicated without prior written consent by MESSEGRAW.
Design, layout, implementation: ADVIGA
Photos: 123rf.com
While we have prepared the content of this website with the utmost care, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on this site in accordance with the general laws pursuant to Section 6 (1) MDStV [German Interstate Media Services Agreement] and Section 8 (1) TDG [German Teleservices Act]. Service providers are, however, not obligated to monitor third party information provided or stored by them or to check for circumstances which would indicate an illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of the information in accordance with the general laws remain unaffected. Liability in this regard, is only possible from the time of obtaining the knowledge of an explicit violation. When we become aware of relevant violations of law, we will promptly remove the content in question.
MESSEGRAW denies any liability for information displayed on websites for which there is a direct or indirect link from the pohlmann service website. MESSEGRAW has neither provided the content of these linked, external websites, nor does the company have any control over the content displayed on websites of third parties. The contents of websites linked with the MESSEGRAW homepage do not reflect the opinion of MESSEGRAW and are only intended to provide information and contextual explanations. MESSEGRAW cannot be made liable for external contents, which was merely referred to as outlined above. The responsibility lies entirely with the provider of the respective contents.
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